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Krzysztof Kolumb i "Odkrycie Nowego Świata"

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Rozdział zawiera przykłady artykułów zamieszonych w popularnych czasopismach o tematyce historycznej na temat Krzysztofa Kolumba i wielkich odkryć. Lista artykułów uporządkowana jest według ich kraju pochodzenia:

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Departure into the New World, Columbus and the era of the explorers, in: G/Geschichte [H/History] (2006), No 4.
Metzger, Franz, Departure into the Uncertain, Return from the Unknown, in: G/Geschichte [H/History] (2006), No. 4, 3.
G/Geschichte [H/History] (2006), No. 4, 4-5.
Mayer, Wolfgang, Columbus discovers a new world, Dreamland Ahoy (Kraina marzeń na horyzoncie!), in: G/Geschichte [H/History] (2006), No. 4, 14-16.
The era of the discoverers, in: GEO-EPOCHE [GEO-EPOCH] (2006), No. 24.
Schaper, Michael, Editorial, in: GEO-EPOCHE [GEO-EPOCH] (2006), No. 24, 3.
GEO-EPOCHE [GEO-EPOCH] (2006), No. 24, 4-5.
Rademacher, Cay, Christopher Columbus, 1492, Beyond the horizon, in: GEO-EPOCHE [GEO-EPOCH] (2006), No. 24, 20-46.



Qincentenary of a genius Columbus, Mysteries, glory and grief of the Admiral, in: La Aventura de la Historia [The Adventure of History] (2006), No. 91.
Solar, David, Qincentenary of a genius Columbus, in: La Aventura de la Historia [The Adventure of History] (2006),No. 91, 3.
La Aventura de la Historia [The Adventure of History] (2006), No. 91, 4-5.
Arranz, Luis, A certain Christopher Columbus, Discoverer, (Niejaki Krzysztof Kolumb, Odkrywca) in: La Aventura de la Historia [The Adventure of History] (2006), No. 91, 58-65.
The Spanish Empire, The largest of all time, in: Historia de Iberia Vieja [History of Ancient Iberia] (2012), No. 82.
Cardeñosa, Bruno, The empire on which the sun never set, in: Historia de Iberia Vieja [History of Ancient Iberia] (2012), No. 82, 3.
Historia de Iberia Vieja [History of Ancient Iberia] (2012), No. 82, 4-5.
De Frutos, Alberto, More than 300 years where the sun never sets, The Spanish Empire, in: Historia de Iberia Vieja [History of Ancient Iberia] (2012), No. 82, 22-31.




Abraham Lincoln, Clerk, who became president, in "Mówią wieki" [Centuries Say] (2013), No. 2.
"Mówią wieki" [Centuries Say] (2013), No. 2.
Jaworski, Rafał, Christopher Columbsky, or a Tale of King Władysław on a Remote Island, (Krzysztof Kolumbski czyli bajka o królu Władysławie na wyspie dalekiej) in: "Mówią wieki" [Centuries Say] (2013), No. 2, 22-25.



1944, A single mountain top in the way towards Rome, Monte Cassino, in: Världens Historia [History of the World] (2012), No. 16.
Vorm, Tonny, Spies in real life, in: Världens Historia [History of the World] (2012), No. 16, 3.
Världens Historia [History of the World] (2012), No. 16, 3.
Overbye, Stine, Columbus colony was a disaster, (Kolonia Kolumba była porażką) in: Världens Historia [History of the World] (2012), No. 16, 36-41.
1492, His past is hid in dusky mystification, The Mystery of Columbus, in: Världens Historia [History of the World] (2009), No.4.
Relster, Sebastian, Editorial, in: Världens Historia [History of the World] (2009), No. 4, 2.
Världens Historia [History of the World] (2009), No. 4, 2-3.
The mystery of Columbus, in: Världens Historia [History of the World] (2009), No. 4, 14-21.



New Worlds for old, Columbus and his Consequences, 1492-1992, in: History Today (1992), No. 42.
History Today (1992), No. 42.
Fernández-Armesto, Felipe, Columbus - Hero or Villain? (Kolumb - bohater czy złoczyńca?), History Today (1992), No. 42, 4-9.
Armitage, David, Christopher Columbus and the Uses of History (Krzysztof Kolumb i używanie historii). History Today (1992), No. 42, 50-55.

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