Material Adicional: I Guerra Mundial

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El estallido de la Primera Guerra Mundial

Material adicional


El "materialadicional" ofrece ejemplos de revistas de divulgación histórica queabordan el tema "El estallido de la Primera Guerra Mundial", incluyendouna breve síntesis de las tendencias historiográficas nacionales, y elenfoque que el tema recibe en los libros de texto de los respectivospaíses. Los materiales se muestran agrupados por país de origen.

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The western front on the First World War, The hell of Verdun, in: G/Geschichte [H/History] (2007), No. 11.
Metzger, Franz, The far too great dying, in: G/Geschichte [H/History] (2007), No. 11, 3.
G/Geschichte [H/History] (2007), No. 11, 4-5.
Metzger, Franz, Wilhelmi Jürgen, In Europe the lights go out, in: H/History (2007), No. 11, 22-27.
The First World War, Primal catastrophe of the 20th century, in: DAMALS [AT THAT TIME] (2004), No. 5.
Jäckel, Eberhard, Editorial, An ominous seed, in: DAMALS [AT THAT TIME] (2004), No. 5, 3.
DAMALS [AT THAT TIME] (2004), No. 5, 4-5.
Förster, Stig, The July-crisis 1914, Weeks of decisions, in: DAMALS [AT THAT TIME] (2004), No. 5, 14-19.
The First World War, From Sarajevo till Versailles: the turn of an era 1914-1918, in: GEO-EPOCHE [GEO-EPOCH] (2004), No. 14.
Schaper, Michael, Editorial, in: GEO-EPOCHE [GEO-EPOCH] (2004), No. 14, 3.
GEO-EPOCHE [GEO-EPOCH] (2004), No. 14, 4-5.
Jaenecke, Heinrich, The assassination, in: GEO-EPOCHE [GEO-Epoch] (2004), No. 14, 24-27.



Aj-en-Atón, El hereje / Dossier. 1914: el suicidio de Europa, in: La Aventura de la Historia (2004), No. 69.
Solar, David: El hereje, in: La Aventura de la Historia (2004), No. 69, 3.
La Aventura de la Historia (2004), No. 69, 4-5.
Pecharromán, Julio Gil: Magnicidio en Sarajevo. El pretexto, in: La Aventura de la Historia (2004), No. 69, 24-29.
La I Guerra Mundial, 90 años después, in: Muy Interesante Historia (2008), No. 17.
Muy Historia (2008), No. 17, 2.
Pardina, José: Y pensaron que sería la última, in: Muy Historia (2008), No. 17, 4.
Ormaechea, Ana: El color de la Gran Guerra, in: Muy Historia (2008), No. 17, 14-23.



Poland of the 80’s/ Christmas at the front AD 1914, in: "Mówi wieki" [Centuries Say] (2011), No. 12.
"Mówi wieki" [Centuries Say] (2011), No. 12.
Szlanta, Piotr, Front line Silent Night 1914 a.d., in: "Mówi wieki" [Centuries Say] (2011), No. 12, 24-28.
"Mówi wieki" [Centuries Say] (2009), No. 8.
"Mówi wieki" [Centuries Say] (2009), No. 8.
Szlanta, Piotr, Feast of the war, European society towards the outbreak of World War I, in: "Mówi wieki" [Centuries Say] (2009), No. 8, 32-36.



WORLD WAR I, in: Populär Historia [Popular History] (2008), No. 10.
Bergsten, Magnus, What’s wrong with 15th century?, in: Populär Historia [Popular History] (2008), No. 10, 6.
Populär Historia [Popular History] (2008), No. 10, 4.
Englund, Peter, World War I – an inevitable disaster?, in: Populär Historia [Popular History] (2008), No. 10, 24-30.
Casanova, 16th century scandal celebrity, Legendary seducer was chased through Europe/ Murder that caused a World War, in: Allt om Historia [All about History] (2011), No. 9.
Steinwall, Åke, Sex addict or a charmer?, in: Allt om Historia [All about History] (2011), No. 9, 5.
Allt om Historia [All about History] (2011), No. 9, 4-5.
Aagaard, Søren, The murder that started a world war, in: Allt om Historia [All about History] (2011), No. 9, 30-33.

Reino Unido


The outbreak of world war one, in: BBC History Magazine (2012), No. 11.
Attar, Rob, Editorial, in: BBC History Magazine (2012), No. 11.
BBC History Magazine (2012), No. 11.
Clark, Christopher, The shot that sparked the First World War, in: BBC History Magazine (2012), No. 11, 18-23.
Ghandi man and myth/ Causes of the Great War, in: History Review (2011), No. 69.
History Review (2011), No. 69.
Mulligan, William, The origins of the First World War, in: History Review (2011), No. 69, 12-17.

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