Transnational comparison: Sweden-Germany etc.

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Transnational comparison



A critical perspective on Columbus?

The two Swedish texts give a rather critical picture of Columbus. To do a quick check if the same is true in other countries, you can quickly check out the pictures and headlines in the other articles from England, Poland, Spain and Germany.


Another way of quickly making an overview is to copy the text from the articles from Sweden, England, Poland, Spain and Germany and paste it on

a. Make a wordle per country (print or use print screen PrtSc to copy and then paste the wordle pictures in word).

b. Think about what similarities and differences depend upon. Consider also whether a wordle gives an accurate picture of the contents of a text. What limitations do wordle have in textual analysis?

c. Read the German and Swedish texts and consider what is lost when using wordle in textual analysis.


Comparing Swedish and German lists of content

Compare, together with your partner, the list of content in the Swedish magazines from 2012 and 2009 holding articles of Columbus with the list of content in German "G-Geschichte". Can you spot different viewpoints on Columbus?


Comparing the front pages of a Swedish and a German magazine

The "G-Geschichte" and "Världens historia" are designed very differently. Can you find similarities between the choice of pictures and the main topics in the list of contents? Explain your considerations.

Tip: Try to find out more about the painter.


Further transnational comparisons

If you are further interested in this topic you can take a look at Spanish, English and Polish lists of contents here and compare them to the German and Swedish equivalents.
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A critical perspective on Columbus?

The two Swedish texts give a rather critical picture of Columbus. To do a quick check if the same is true in other countries, you can quickly check out the pictures and headlines in the other articles from England, Poland, Spain and Germany.

A quick check shows that other perspectives on Columbus are possible. Columbus is rarely described as a hero, but the Swedish texts are more critical than others. How critical can and should a Spanish text on Columbus be?


Another way of quickly making an overview is to copy the text from the articles from Sweden, England, Poland, Spain and Germany and paste it on

a. Make a wordle per country (print or use print screen PrtSc to copy and then paste the wordle pictures in word).

b. Think about what similarities and differences depend upon. Consider also whether a wordle gives an accurate picture of the contents of a text. What limitations do wordle have in textual analysis?

c. Read the German and Swedish texts and consider what is lost when using wordle in textual analysis.

Wordle is based on word count and visualize in an easily accessible way which words are commonly used in the text. This can quickly give you some idea about the content of a text. But as the core of a text can be highlighted in many other ways than through repetitions there are risks of errors when using this type of analysis. A quantitative historical examination, such as using word count, needs to always be accompanied by a qualitative analysis to see what nuances are overlooked.


Comparing Swedish and German lists of content

Compare, together with your partner, the list of content in the Swedish magazines from 2012 and 2009 holding articles of Columbus with the list of content in German "G-Geschichte". Can you spot different viewpoints on Columbus?

In the Swedish magazine from 2012 the editor does not address the article about Columbus. The article was not featured on the front page. In the table of contents there is a critical perspective with a focus on consequences and Columbus as a villain. The Swedish magazine from 2009 has a completely different focus. Columbus has the entire frontpage and the editor describes the exciting person Columbus. A perspective with focus on the exciting without thought on criticism and consequences.

With regard to the German magazine it should be noted that – despite all his flaws and weaknesses such as lack of leadership, intransigence, nautical miscalculations – Columbus is portrayed as a hero with great strength of will who acted out of conviction. An overview of the consequences or even further speculations as to how the history of the continent could have developed without the European discovery are not provided in the German magazine "G-Geschichte".


Comparing the front pages of a Swedish and a German magazine

The "G-Geschichte" and "Världens historia" are designed very differently. Can you find similarities between the choice of pictures and the main topics in the list of contents? Explain your considerations.

Tip: Try to find out more about the painter.

On the front page of the Swedish magazine there is a painting by the painter Ridolfo Ghirlandaio (1483-1561). No contemporary painting of Columbus remains, but a number of pictures made in hindsight can be found. By combining the portrait with a ship in severe distress, creates a mood of drama and suspense, fully in line with the other pictures of Columbus spectacular life presented in the paper.

The title page of the magazine "Geo-Epoche" consists of a collage of Karl Theodor von Piloty's painting "Christopher Columbus" (1865) and of Albert Bierstadt's (1893) "The landing of Columbus" (in the background). Due to the positioning of Columbus in the right picture margin the impression is created that the seafarer directs his gaze towards the "New World", which is presented as "paradise" in Bierstadt's work. Both paintings are from the 19th century and represent a Eurocentric perspective on Columbus.

A comparison of the front pages and the selection of images make it obvious that they both have Columbus in the center. The lack of other people gives a clear hint that it is Columbus who is at the center of the Swedish newspaper. The German front page with Columbus in the front with bowing native people in the background further reinforces the image of Columbus as more important than others.


Further transnational comparisons

If you are further interested in this topic you can take a look at Spanish, English and Polish lists of contents here and compare them to the German and Swedish equivalents.

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