European Magazines. Comparison

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Columbus' origin in European popular history magazines

A selection of articles made by the EHISTO team


Next you are offered a document which contains excerpts from articles from different countries where the origin of Columbus is mentioned. You can get it here. After reading the text, we suggest the following activities to be done.



Is Columbus' origin debated in the same way in all the countries?

a. Analyze the texts we have chosen from Germany, Spain, Poland, Great Britain and Sweden. What conclusions can you draw regarding the debate about the discoverer's nationality in these countries?

b. Apparently, different hypotheses arise in Spain, among them some claim for the Spanish origin of Columbus. In which other countries do explanations claiming for the discoverer's origin for their own territory appear?

c. It seems that no hypotheses exist to prove the British, Swedish or German origin of Columbus. Do you think this fact could provide the position offered in the magazines from these countries with more credibility or "neutrality"?


Critical analysis of History

a.In this module you have been able to read and search for arguments which situate Columbus' origin in different places. Do you think all of them have the same historical accuracy? What are the differences among the arguments?

b. Do you think there can be some interests, beyond the evidences historical sources give, to claim for the origin of a figure like Columbus? Why?

c. From all the possible Columbus origins presented in this module, which do you think are more believable, and which are less believable, regarding the arguments you've read? Discuss this subject with your classmates, in small groups, and try to reach an agreement. Afterwards, present the result of your group to the rest of the class.


Playing at being a Historian

a. Another of the "mysterious" questions about Columbus lies in determining where his remains are buried. Search, along with a group of classmates, what was Columbus place of death and where, when and why his remains were successively moved. Put all these places in the map, and draw a little square for each one with the date and the reason for the removal if you can find it.

b. Where are Columbus' remains buried nowadays? Is there one or several theories on the subject? Is there conclusive evidence to really prove where he is buried?

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Next some tasks are suggested to be done with the students in the classroom. Green colour is used to indicate some suggestions for their development, if considered necessary. You can use the activities suggested in the "student" version, adapting them conveniently.

Besides, in the Additional Material section you have the corresponding information about the original sources which, in some cases, you will be able to download if you want.


Is Columbus' origin debated in the same way in all the countries?

a. Arrange the students in groups and assign each one a (you can start from the countries in the project, but you can search and offer them information about other countries: Portugal, Italy, etc.). Give each group articles from these countries and ask them to make up and explain a presentation on what hypotheses about Columbus' origin prevail there according to the articles they have been able to analyze. Afterwards, let a speaker explain the group conclusions (estimated time: 30 minutes)

b. Organize a debate with your students about the possible reasons why there are some countries where Columbus' nationality is debated , while it is of no interest in others, or no sound reasons are found to question the most accepted version by historians (estimated time: 20 minutes)


Critical analysis of History and the Media

a. Give your students different texts from History books about Columbus' origin and ask them to compare them with the texts of the articles anthem magazines, pointing out similarities and differences. (Questions to guide the search: is the language equally "scientific" in both cases? The length of the chapters? The graphic richness? Are the historiographical sources paid the same attention?)

b. Discuss: popular history magazine have multiplied extraordinarily in the last years all over Europe. Who are the receivers of these products? (Questions to guide the search: Are the students the final receivers? What is the interest of these magazines? Is it only a commercial one or are there any ideological interests from the publishing groups behind them? Do they deserve the same credibility than History books) (estimated time: 15 minutes)

c. If possible, give your students History magazines from different countries for them to have a look. Ask them to observe the differences and similarities among them, even if they cannot get access to them because of the language. (estimated time: 15 minutes)

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