Additional Material: Columbus

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Columbus and the "Discovery of the New World"

Additional Material



The “additional material” offers you examples of popular history magazines dealing with the topic “Columbus and the "Discovery of the New World". The materials are listed by their country of origin:



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Departure into the New World, Columbus and the era of the explorers, in: G/Geschichte [H/History] (2006), No 4.
Metzger, Franz, Departure into the Uncertain, Return from the Unknown, in: G/Geschichte [H/History] (2006), No. 4, 3.
G/Geschichte [H/History] (2006), No. 4, 4-5.
Mayer, Wolfgang, Columbus discovers a new world, Dreamland Ahoy, in: G/Geschichte [H/History] (2006), No. 4, 14-16.
The era of the discoverers, in: GEO-EPOCHE [GEO-EPOCH] (2006), No. 24.
Schaper, Michael, Editorial, in: GEO-EPOCHE [GEO-EPOCH] (2006), No. 24, 3.
GEO-EPOCHE [GEO-EPOCH] (2006), No. 24, 4-5.
Rademacher, Cay, Christopher Columbus, 1492, Beyond the horizon, in: GEO-EPOCHE [GEO-EPOCH] (2006), No. 24, 20-46.



Qincentenary of a genius Columbus, Mysteries, glory and grief of the Admiral, in: La Aventura de la Historia [The Adventure of History] (2006), No. 91.
Solar, David, Qincentenary of a genius Columbus, in: La Aventura de la Historia [The Adventure of History] (2006),No. 91, 3.
La Aventura de la Historia [The Adventure of History] (2006), No. 91, 4-5.
Arranz, Luis, A certain Christopher Columbus, Discoverer, in: La Aventura de la Historia [The Adventure of History] (2006), No. 91, 58-65.
The Spanish Empire, The largest of all time, in: Historia de Iberia Vieja [History of Ancient Iberia] (2012), No. 82.
Cardeñosa, Bruno, The empire on which the sun never set, in: Historia de Iberia Vieja [History of Ancient Iberia] (2012), No. 82, 3.
Historia de Iberia Vieja [History of Ancient Iberia] (2012), No. 82, 4-5.
De Frutos, Alberto, More than 300 years where the sun never sets, The Spanish Empire, in: Historia de Iberia Vieja [History of Ancient Iberia] (2012), No. 82, 22-31.




Abraham Lincoln, Clerk, who became president, in "Mówi wieki" [Centuries Say] (2013), No. 2.
"Mówi wieki" [Centuries Say] (2013), No. 2.
Jaworski, Rafał, Christopher Columbsky, or a Tale of King Władysław on a Remote Island, in: "Mówi wieki" [Centuries Say] (2013), No. 2, 22-25.



1944, A single mountain top in the way towards Rome, Monte Cassino, in: Världens Historia [History of the World] (2012), No. 16.
Vorm, Tonny, Spies in real life, in: Världens Historia [History of the World] (2012), No. 16, 3.
Världens Historia [History of the World] (2012), No. 16, 3.
Overbye, Stine, Columbus colony was a disaster, in: Världens Historia [History of the World] (2012), No. 16, 36-41.
1492, His past is hid in dusky mystification, The Mystery of Columbus, in: Världens Historia [History of the World] (2009), No.4.
Relster, Sebastian, Editorial, in: Världens Historia [History of the World] (2009), No. 4, 2.
Världens Historia [History of the World] (2009), No. 4, 2-3.
The mystery of Columbus, in: Världens Historia [History of the World] (2009), No. 4, 14-21.



New Worlds for old, Columbus and his Consequences, 1492-1992, in: History Today (1992), No. 42.
History Today (1992), No. 42.
Fernández-Armesto, Felipe, Columbus - Hero or Villain?, History Today (1992), No. 42, 4-9.
Armitage, David, Christopher Columbus and the Uses of History. History Today (1992), No. 42, 50-55.
  • Other Columbus YouTube clips:
The truth about Columbus: (5 mins) Uses academic talking-heads mixed with cartoons. Questions the notion of 'discovery'; God, glory and gold. Columbus as a symbol of genocide. Presents a critique of the ‘standard’ narrative. Details some of the atrocities, and the horror of the impact. Some grim images:
All about Christopher Columbus: (10 mins)This is mostly written captions, with some images interspersed. It relates factual details about context, Columbus's background, family and life, and his voyages. It is clear, details and useful as a basic primer. There are contemporary images of Columbus, his 'Book of Privileges', on ship, on land, other documents and maps etc. Many of the illustrations are valuable as sources to scrutinise:
500 Nations (2 x 10 mins) US series-episode about the encounter between Europe and the New World, given a New World slant. Voice-over presents simple background of first and second voyages; draws on written sources and a variety of illustrations; Arawak/Taino background/history/social structure; gold-mining and enslavement; general misery and genocide; some resistance eg Enrique's rebellion: Part 1 -, Part 2 -
How Stuff Works: First Voyage (12 mins) Gives technical info about how Columbus navigated, and narrates aspects of the First Voyage. Soft-soaps colonisation. Dramatised moments. Deeply patronising and ignorant view of the Taino: useful as a contrast to '500 Nations':
Columbus was a fraud!: (5 mins; start at 2'53". NB before this, some troubling and graphic images.) A talk to camera by Professor Clarke, who considers the world impact of the rise of Europe, and the way the Catholic Church legitimised racist oppression and slavery. Argues Columbus owed his skill to African sailors, and that Africans were in the West Indies when Columbus arrived. Interspersed with footage of annual 5th Avenue Columbus Day parade in New York:
Surviving Columbus: First Encounters: (4'45" to 18'02) Told through voices of the Pueblo people this extract gives some background to the world-view, society and culture of the Pueblo in New Mexico. It is argued that the encounter with the Old World, which began with Columbus, cannot be understood without this perspective. The encounter with the Spanish in 1540 is narrated. Talking heads, landscape shots, illustrations:
David Shi on the New World encounter: (2'20") States a thesis, but does not elaborate on it. Argues the encounter between Europe and America led to a mosaic of cultures, an intermingling of the ways of living of invader and dispossessed:
The Great Adventurers: Christopher Columbus: (3'11") Looks briefly at some key ideas animating Europe at the time of Columbus: travel, the world's sphericity, the nature of land-masses; danger of trading by land. Academic talking heads, some colour and black and white pictures:
  • Book chapter
'Columbus', from Howard Zinn's 'A people's history of the United States, 1492-the present' (Harper, New York). This is a widely read and in some senses iconic piece on Columbus and the rationale behind European expansion in the early modern era. The chapter can be accessed on line at:

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